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Our long experience

in solving business problems

at the service of our customers.

Custom Development 


We develop customized solutions for you on HCL Software Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino platforms  in order to address specific business needs and enhance your central systems with new functionality that improves the performance of your business and addresses new business challenges.


Our people with many years experience in large and small projects in various business sectors and companies, will work with you using proven methodologies to develop and install for you innovative applications in a short time.


Alternatively for faster results in the shortest possible time choose one of our products and ask as many customizations and extensions required to fit your own needs and your own business. Get all the advantages of an application tailored to your requirements in a short time.


Rest assured that you will get from us in the future sufficient support, so that your customized solutions will run seamlessly for a long time.

Business Integration 


Our long experience in reorganizing businesses has taught us that many companies depend on a complex and heterogeneous mixture of information. However  customer service, sales, achievement of common procedures, design of new strategies require the integration of information available from various sources and applications.


Ideally businesses should adopt from day one of their operations a single application suite that would provide integrated information. But this is not always possible because of the particularities of each sector but also because existing companies have already made big investments in the past for their central IT systems which they do not want or are not ready to abandon.


Ε-On’s team helps these companies by developing complimentary applications and workflows to the existing application systems, that interface and gather information from them in order to support the strategic and business objectives.


Web sites & e-shops 


E-ON has long experience and proven effectiveness in identifying the need of web presence with accuracy, whether for small  businesses, or large organizations or government agencies. We undertake the entire project starting from identifying the customer’s requirements up to the functional - aesthetic design and final implementation with the latest technologies.  Our work covers the entire spectrum of the presence of any company or organization on the web.


As part of web promotion and promotion of products and services of our customers, we design and implement sophisticated e Commerce solutions in B2C (Business to Consumer) and  B2B (Business to Business) environments. We have also worked on solutions in G2C environment (Government to Citizen).


E-ON’s people have the necessary skills and expertise in small and large projects and are able to meet effectively qualitative implementations of web applications of any size and degree of difficulty.

Technology Infrastructure Management 


E-ON’s officers and engineers have the ability and the expertise to offer a wide range of consulting and support services for all matters related to information technology and telecommunications infrastructure of your company.


In particular, E-ON may be your only technology partner and undertake to offer services, either directly (with same forces) or through partners. In case of partners E-ON will be responsible for all communication, management and delivering the services, without requiring from you any further action.

Such services may be:

- Assessment of needs and supplying all kinds of computer equipment including servers, PCs, Printers, Scanners, etc.

- Assessment of needs and supplying all kinds of telecom / network equipment such as cabling, networks, call center, Telephone devices, etc.

- The provision of services for  installation and support of computer and telecommunications equipment.

- The provision of services for infrastructure installation and support of Call Centre, Cable, Internet Line, Mail Server, etc.

- Assessment of needs and installation of infrastructure (H / W and S / W) for taking backup data, the supply of software for office automation or to cover other potential needs (Scanning, Archiving, etc.).

IT Outsourcing & Managed Services  


We provide Integrated management Services of all or part of your IT infrastructure. 

E-ON is able to manage your computer environment offering remote management and monitoring and provide support for some or all of the applications and the equipment that your company uses. 


Where required, our technicians will perform site visits at your premises in order to resolve problems that can not be resolved remotely.


The level of all of the above services is guaranteed by E-ON  according to the signed Service Level Agreement.

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