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Reduce the percentage of red loans in your bank
Enhance your customers' credit decision process without changing your "scorecard"
Provide an immediate response at the point of sale for instant credit
Leverage your CRM data

Improves measurable indicators of your crucial processes (e.g. probability of default on loans (PD), percentage of red loans, etc.)
Leverages AI and Machine Learning techniques, unlike your core banking system which incorporates "algorithms"
Takes into account other sources of information, not just the customer's behavior history and the statistics you already have
Does not interfere with your existing process. It works " in addition to" and complements, therefore enhances. It does not replace
Reveals dimensions (metrics, groupings) that, until today, you have not discovered
Is fully adjustable to your needs, as it does not promote the "one-size-fit-all product" approach.
Combines the power and reliability of the E-ON EPI banking system with the latest artificial intelligence & machine learning techniques, applied to the E-ON SENSE platform
Is available at a very competitive price with different options. On the cloud or on-premise, at standard or variable cost
EPI SENSE: A methodological approach
Identification your area of interest
Analysis of your existing data (GDPR Compliant)
Enrichment with other data that will be further agreed on. Data lake implementation
Data modeling
Pilot application. Evaluation of the results "behind the scene"
Data analysis in B.I. front-end (if needed)
Provision of the SENSE API for the integration of EPI SENSE in your core banking or front-end
Next opportunity! Identification of a new area of interest and repetition of the process

What is not EPI SENSE:
It is not a scorecard
It is not a core banking system
It is not a CRM
It does not substitute your current processes
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