A part of the globally awarded software suite E-ON RIX Business, Financials & CRM. Collaborates with "General Ledger" and especially "Accounts Payable" to help you better manage and control all types of expenses.
Do you want to have better control on expenses?
Do you need to classify them for that reason?
Do you want to automate and computerize the registration process of your expenses?
Do you need or wish to have electronic approvals for each expense application?
Must each expense be approved by various people?
If your answer is “yes” in one or more of the above questions then we have the solution for you.
How does it work?
It records applications for expenses with details as justification, amount, classification, involved people besides the applicant, relativity to contract (if there is one) etc.
An approval workflow initiates automatically which can be as much complex as needed since the system provides functionality of workflow engine. Its logical layout is fully customizable.
Electronic documents can be attached to the expense. For example suppliers proposals, invoices etc. This way the registration of the expense is concluded without any papers.
The system manages the difference between budget και actual.
The involved people are informed with e-mails for any change in the status of each application.
Some expenses may be «locked» to be accessible and visible only by specific people in the company.
After the final approval the system generates an invoice for the Supplier linked to the expense Application. When the invoice updates your Accounting, the Application status is “Completed”.

Why do you need it?
To rationalize the cycle of expenses application, approval and registration.
To eliminate expenses that have not been through the company’s formal approval process.
To minimize the processing time for each case..
To have a detailed classification for your expenses to support your decision making for next years budgeting.
How much does it cost?
As a module of our basic business & financial suite “E-ON RIX” its cost is very low compared to its benefits.
In fact for a limited time we will offer it to you free of charge if you subscribe to our basic suite “E-ON RIX”!
Does its cost justify the investment?
Absolutely, because besides streamlining and automating a very sensitive area of your operations, it dramatically reduces the likelihood of not authorized expenses (which are not easily measured, but only after their incurrence).
Of course if you take advantage of our offer then it will cost you nothing.

I already have an accounting system or an Accounts Payable system. I just need the module for expenses approval. May I have just this?
Of course you may. The concept of our E-ON RIX suite is based on modularity.
Each module is independent but it is connected and interfaces with all the others in E-ON RIX when you need exchange of information.
You are not obliged to use all the suite if you don’t need this. You can only use the module.