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Our E-ON RIX Business & Financials platform Certified Electronic Invoicing Provider

Certified Electronic Invoicing Provider

Our platform E-ON RIX Business and Financials, a Cloud / SaaS application service covering ERP, CRM and Sales Force Automation functionality was certified for the provision of electronic invoicing services (Y.PA.H.E.S) (License Number YPAHES : 2025_01_127 E-ON INTEGRATION 001 E-ON RIX V1 13012025), for B2B & B2C invoicing.

Since the early 2000's when we created it, E-ON RIX platform has a significant and stable customer base and has earned its place in the software market.

And to answer some of your questions...

Why should I implement Electronic Invoicing?

why e-invoicing

Because apart from the obvious benefits of digital transformation (see here for some details:, the use of an Electronic Invoicing provider exempts each business from the obligation to use a Tax Mechanism or Cash Register and from any printing, filing and dispatching of printed documents.

At the same time, the Tax Administration provides a number of benefits for businesses that adopt e-invoicing. These are detailed in article 71F of Law 4172/2023


What features does your platform offer me?

why use e-on rix for e-invoicing

Through E-ON RIX , you can monitor the entire operation of your business (customers, suppliers, invoicing, warehouses, a variety of vertical solutions for various activities), issue all kinds of tax documents. At the same time and automatically you will be able to:

  • Receive proof of "authentication" from AADE/myDATA in real time

  • You send (via mail) these documents to the final recipient.

  • Automatically archive these E-ON RIX documents and refer to them whenever required.

  • Send your pending documents immediately, without having to bother your staff with additional and complicated procedures in case of failure on the part of AADE/myDATA.

  • You enjoy extensive reporting resulting from communication with myDATA which will assist you in the monthly reconciliation with the AADE's "Summary Book".

  • You have automatic connection to the "locked POS" through the partnerships that E-ON has entered into with companies (Payment Service Providers - NSPs) in the field.

Why should I choose you? Why is your solution different and attractive?

what are the differences of e-on rix from competition

Because there are a number of elements that set our proposal apart from the competition:

  • Our own YPAHES service is basically offered as non-ERP-agnostic. It is based on the one-stop-shop principle where in the same software and from the same vendor you get ERP-type functionality and at the same time integrated all YPAHES services.

  • We treat the service as "one", providing you with competitive prices and a technical proposal that is simpler (and therefore more reliable) than the competition.

  • You still transact with one supplier (E-ON) for all your business IT issues which means simpler, clearer communication and faster resolution of any issues.

  • The support we provide is not only impersonal/electronic but you contact people you know, by phone.

  • Our solution is suitable for small businesses with simple processes and large organizations with complex workflows and work models. Therefore, we offer you a solution "made to measure" without proposing difficult and expensive implementations, nor "cutting corners" in particular processes that are important to you.

What if I already have an ERP and I don't want to change it. How can you help me?

Keep reading! 

What if I use another ERP

If you wish to keep your existing ERP software and use E-ON RIX only as an Electronic Invoicing Provider we have again a different proposal from the competition. See the comparison table below:


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